Opalite (aka Tiffany Stone, Ice cream stone, common opal)

I love Opalite, I mean for a Magpie like myself what is there not to love? Its Opalescent beauty literally steals my breath!  I can’t get enough of it, as it speaks to my inner child, which is quite apt as it’s used in healing to restore  youthful optimism.  When I hold  a piece, which I often do, as I love the smooth silkiness of it, it fills me with a sense of peace and tranquility, which again is something it is used for in healing.  For years now, I have used and recommended it to help those passing through emotional rough patches due to past traumas, as it builds resilience and optimism, whilst restoring a sense of peace. 

Spiritually it works with both the Crown and Brow Chakras, helping to awaken Psychic abilities and intuition or provide clarity, all of which assists you in finding a clear way forward from a challenging situation.   Physically it can help with breathing difficulties, I kept my Opalite angel by my bedside during my bout of Covid.  It aids insomnia, can sooth away nightmares, and is even said to promote healing with arrhythmia. Although I would always recommend seeking conventional professional advice when experiencing physical issues, and use crystals as a top up, to amplify and compliment  your healing. 

So why have I chosen to do a blog on this seemingly perfect gemstone? Well, as a Magpie I was drawn to its aesthetic beauty. From the very piece I encountered,  my eyes fixated on its lustrous myriad of colour. Phosphorescence  perfection in the palm of my hand!  What more could a girl ask for? 

The Owl however, wanted to know more, and was shocked to discover that since 1980 what we refer to as Opalite, what is on the market, is man-made. Yep you read that correctly, it's synthetic! Apparently back in 1974, a scientist decided to break down the spherical atomic structure (yes I know, big words for a Magpie!) of an authentic Opal, hence making it possible to replicate the beauty in a laboratory. 

An authentic or should I say organic Opal is formed from Volcanic Ash, whereas our little Opalite beauties are a mixture of glass, metals, sometimes plastic resin and a few other elements thrown in for good measure. Now, as you read this, I am sure you can imagine my shock, as I started to tumble down the rabbit hole. What did this mean? I had been using this gem stone, (yes I know it's not a gemstone, but man made glass) for years and to good effect. Should I be screaming for my money back? Throwing out my treasured beauties, could I be that fickle?  Fortunately, my new Owl persona told me not to give into knee jerk reactions, and to instead investigate further.  To be honest, I needed to hold my favourite little Opalite stone, to restore my breathing which was rather jagged at that point. And what I discovered was that the benefits of using an Opalite in healing is pretty much equal to those of using an organic opal.  I might argue that authentic or organic in my mind will always be superior, but then I have always been partial to an Opal so I  could be biased. The upside is that  Opalite is much more affordable, and also easily obtainable, and on a personal level I know it works. 

When you work with it, you will feel its high vibrational energy. You will discover that it is as equally effective for promoting business success, as it is for restoring balance and harmony in relationships. Personal experience with crystals has taught me not to overthink things, and perhaps I just have to admit that I don’t know why a man-made synthetic would work so well. Maybe it's those metals and elements? Maybe it is down to colour, as we know that the Ancient Egyptians used coloured glass to promote healing.  Or maybe it's just plain old fashioned setting of intentions, that kick starts the Law of Attraction.  But something is working and it really is a very versatile and affordable gem to have in your crystal healing tool box. I, for one, have no intention  of throwing mine out any time soon! 

However, as I am finding on this journey, each step leads to a new discovery, and the next one ultimately has to be Moonstone. Join me in the next blog, as I fall deeper into the rabbit hole. 


The Mystic Magpie